Showing posts with the label c programShow all
C Program to Demonstrate the Use of Loops
C Program to Find the Biggest Number Among Three Numbers
Write a program to display Fibonacci series using C program.
C program to accept 10 names of the workers along with the age and salary. Display all the details whose age is more than 21 by using array.
C program Question collections for Grade 11- Neb-computer questions
Write a display to Sunday to Saturday when user enters a number using switch case in c program  - c program-neb-class 11
 Write a program to find factorial of given number using recursive function-computer 11- NEB
Write a program to print prime numbers between 1 to 100 -c program
 Write a to display fibonacii series using C program with functions- computer 11 - Neb- c program
 Write a program to print multiplication table of given number using C program- c program-class 11
 Write a program to print whether a  given number is prime or composite number -computer 11-c progrogram