MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions for Computer--GRADE 11-NEB

 Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Which one of the following is an output device?
    1. Speaker
    2. printer
    3. monitor
    4. mouse
  2. Who is the inventor of “Analytical Engine”?
    1. John Mauchly
    2. Charles Babbage
    3. Dr. Herman Hollerith
    4. John Vincent Atanasoff
  3. The major technology used in Third Generation Computers were:
    1. Vacuum Tubes
    2. Integrated Circuits 
    3. Artificial Intelligence
    4. Transistors
  4. The value 112 is equivalent to:
    1. 38
    2. 316
    3. 310
    4. all
  5. How many digits does the octal number system have?
    1. 16
    2. 2
    3. 8
    4. 2
  6. Which term is used to define the action of changing an existing document?
    1. Creating
    2. Editing
    3. Modifying
    4. Adjusting    
  7. Which one is the correct way of giving comments in an HTML document?
    1. <!  --  -->
    2. <!--  --  >
    3. <  !--  -->
    4. <!--  -->
  8. Using <style> …</style> tag inside the head tag is known as:
    1. internal css
    2. inline css
    3. external css
    4. none of above
  9. How to insert an image in a web page using HTML tag?
    1. <img=…>
    2. <img href=……>
    3. <img src=…>
    4. <img source….>
  10. Which one of the following is not an input device?
    1. microphone
    2. printer
    3. keyboard
    4. mouse
  11. ENIAC is
    1. First Generation Computer
    2. Second Generation Computer
    3. Third Generation Computer
    4. Fourth Generation Computer
  12. The major technology used in Second Generation Computers were:
    1. Vacuum Tubes
    2. Integrated Circuits 
    3. Artificial Intelligence
    4. Transistors
  13. The speed of the processor of a computer is measured in
    1. Kbps
    2. baud
    3. hertz
    4. bytes
  14. How many bits are in a byte?
    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. 8
    4. 16
  15. Which operator is used to start to enter the formula in Excel Cell?
    1. $
    2. @
    3. +
    4. =
  16. Using <style> …</style> tag inside the body tag is known as:
    1. internal css
    2. inline css
    3. external css
    4. none of above
  17. How to insert an image in a web page using HTML tag?
    1. <img=…>
    2. <img href=……>
    3. <img src=…>
    4. <img source….>
  18. Which image format is best used for photographs and offers a small file size?
    1. PNG
    2. BMP
    3. JPEG
    4. JPG

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